5 Indian fashion hacks to beat summer heat in style

Summer in the Indian subcontinent is synonymous with scorching heat, humidity, and the dire need for breezy, comfortable outfits. In the coming months, we would welcome more sultry weather that we would be drenched in sweat and I cannot even imagine how it is going to be because February and March were so bad. I have already taken out co-ord shorts and kaftans which usually make their entry only in April.

But worry not! Here are five fashion hacks to keep those sweaty bodies cool, chic, and culturally inspired during the sweltry months.

Light layers

Layering might raise eyebrows in this heat or to put it clear it can be counterintuitive, but it is a game-changer. What you can do is opt for linen, cotton, and rayon as they are lighter and can keep you feeling breezy.

Try a cotton tank top under a sheer blouse or a linen shirt over a cotton sundress. The result is a breezy stylist look I bet you will keep repeating.

Swap heavy denim for lighter alternatives

Denim is a wardrobe staple I agree with, but then in sultry weather, I’d trade them for some things like parachute pants, denim shorts or skirts, or lightweight jackets. Because jeans can be suffocating.

Chambray and linen are equally good alternatives.

Breathe easy with breathable footwear

This is a great opportunity to bid goodbye to boots and close-toe shoes and trade them for sandals, flip-flops, and espadrilles.

I gifted myself two pairs for this summer and I can’t wait to wear them out.

And you will be surprised to see that your feet will thank you and it’s time to show off your pedicure.

Shade and style with hats

Hats are not just accessories but most wanted weapons because they are sun shields. You can opt for wide-brimmed ones which will protect your face and neck.

Baseball caps add a vibe whereas if you go in for straw hats, they scream elegance.

Scarves: The versatile summer essential

Scarves are not just for winter. They add a pop of color to your summer outfits.

Just tie them around your neck or make them a headband or even around your handbag for instant styling.

Always keep in mind summer fashion isn’t just thriving in heat but also keeping it stylish. Make sure to embrace these Indian hacks and make your wardrobe sizzle.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads’ Cookhouse.

4 must read cookbooks in 2024

Cookbooks have found a special place in my TBR of late. Not only do I get to learn new recipes, I also get to understand different uses of each ingredient and even techniques of cooking them. Some cookbooks help you to plunge into a journey of holistic health. For a lot of people like me who want to start eating a healthy meal but not sure how to start or what to cook these books have contributed to handhold you and make you take that step towards a healthy life. Here are some cookbooks that I read recently and would love to share with my readers.

The no-waste kitchen cookbook by Arina Suchde

A practical and inspiring book to minimize food wastage and make delicious meals with minimal environmental impact is what Arina Suchde’s book No-waste Kitchen Cookbook is about. 75 lip-smacking recipes from fruit and vegetable scraps, leftovers, wilted greens, and other ingredients that are often thrown away are the star ingredients of these recipes. From soups, salads, curries, pizzas, desserts, and even cocktails that can be made with easy-to-make instructions and tips on how to store, preserve, and reuse food are very clearly given. Advice on smart shopping, effective composting, efficient meal planning, and adopting a zero-waste mindset in the kitchen are other topics discussed in this handbook.

Creative and tasty recipes helped me save money and also minimize food wastage are reasons why I love this book much making it a helpful and enjoyable read. Changing my habits and choices can bring a difference in the environmental and social impact of food wastage are other aspects that the book taught me. Beautifully illustrated the book is well-written and is recommended for anyone who loves cooking and wants to lead a sustainable life. The book is a very good starter for anyone who wants to lead a zero-wastage journey with 75 yummy and healthy recipes.

The Sattvik Kitchen: The Art and Science of Healthy Living by Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

The Sattvik Kitchen: The Art and Science of Healthy Living by Dr. Hansaji Yogendra is a transformative guide that explores the connection between food, health and well-being.


An Internationally renowned yoga and wellness guru from The Yoga Institute, Dr. Hansaji Yogendra shares ancient wisdom and modern insights in this book.
The book focuses on Sattvik food practices, emphasizing what we eat and how, when, and why we consume it.

Key Themes:

  • Ayurvedic Wisdom: Dr. Hansaji reintroduces the age-old Ayurvedic remedies that address modern health issues.
  • Mindful Eating: The book stresses mindful eating combining knowledge about the right food with conscious consumption.
  • Vedic foods: Exploring the benefits of Vedic foods, the author provides evidence-based insights into their impact on our well-being.

Recipes and Wholesome delights

The book includes mouth-watering sattvik recipes that promote immediate and long-term health.
From wholesome grains to nourishing dairy the recipes celebrate the joys of food while supporting overall wellness.

Holistic approach:

Dr. Hansaji reminds us that we are both physically and emotionally shaped by what we eat.

By adopting sattvik food practices, one can embark on a journey towards good health, weight loss, and overall well-being.

It is not just a cookbook, but a holistic guide that reconnects us with the profound impact of food on our bodies and minds. Dr. Hansaji’s wisdom invites us to savor each meal as a step towards a healthier and happier life.

The India Cookbook: From the Tables of My Friends by Sunita Kohli

The India Cookbook: From the Tables of My Friends by Sunita Kohli is a delightful culinary journey that celebrates the rich tapestry of Indian food.

Diverse Perspective:

Sunita Kohli’s collection of recipes showcases the immense variety of Indian cuisine.
Each region contributes its unique cooking methods, ingredients, and utensils, steeped in tradition and evolution.

Friendship and flavour:

The book features recipes from Sunita’s friends- across generations and walks of life.
From schoolmates to renowned personalities like Shashi Tharoor, Shabana Azmi, and Anita Ratnam the book celebrates warmth and camaraderie.

Comfort and Exoticism:

The book features familiar comfort foods like Pongal, Butter chicken, and kadhi pakora which evoke nostalgia.
Special dishes like sat saaag, Mohan maas, and baked crabs are also considered.

Cultural Tapestry

The India cookbook isn’t just about food, it’s also about friendships, culture, and the joy of sharing meals.
Whether at family gatherings or parties these recipes are sure to nourish the soul and the body.

In short, the book is a blend of tradition, friendship, and culinary artistry- a feast for food lovers and soul seekers alike.

The Indian Vegan: Easy Recipes for Everyday Cooking by Sonal Ved

The Indian Vegan: Easy Recipes for Everyday Cooking by Sonal Ved is a delightful culinary treasure trove that bridges the gap between traditional Indian flavors and modern plant-based living.

Veganism with Indian Twist:

Sonal Ved’s research into Indian cuisine reveals that no other culinary tradition aligns seamlessly with the vegan lifestyle as Indian cooking.
The book celebrates the abundance of plant-based ingredients found in Indian kitchens.

Inspiring recipes:

The book offers a diverse array of recipes from Ladakhi Chutagi to Nengal’s mocha’r ghonto.
Every dish covered in this book combines health, flavor, and cultural heritage.

Practical approach:

The book provides accessible recipes for both kinds such as a seasoned cook or a newbie to veganism.
For anyone seeking wholesome, delicious plant-based food this book is a must-have.

This book invites you to explore the intersection of taste. Health and compassion through the vibrant lens of Indian vegan cuisine.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with the Bohemian Bibliophile.

This post is part of the Bookish league blog hop hosted by Bohemian Bibliophile.

5 ways to overcome writers block- the bloggers league 2022

Whether you are a script writer for a movie, a lyricist, a full time researcher working on a thesis or someone who writes as a hobby, you are bound to experience writer’s block at some point of time.

No person could say that i sit down and write whenever I feel like and nothing stops me. The writing flows uninterrupted and I do not find myself stressed when I do it.

At some point of time, there would be a pause. A stoppage beyond which you cannot proceed and you don’t know why and how to overcome.

The three main reasons why writer’s encounter the problem is that the timing which isn’t suited for the to continue writing, the deadlines or the time for them to put their thoughts to words. The fear of being seen by others and being judged for their writing. The thought to be a perfectionist is another thing that causes the block.

Here are five ways which will help you deal with writer’s block.


If you are someone who is an avid reader you cn definitely draw in some inspiration from your favorite authors. Sitting down to read an article, a small chapter or even some poetry will help you. Even if you don’t find yourself reading most of the time just reading before you sit down to write will help and give you some motivation. This will help focus your mind to write or even imitate writing of your favorite authors.

Pomodoro technique

People are most productive in 25-minute blocks says the developer of Pomodoro technique, Francesco Cirillo. Use an app Or timer on the watch for 25 minutes. Do not get distracted. After 25, take the much deserved break that you want.

Listening to good music

Sometimes all you need is a soothing music or a voice to make your brain work. For some people they constantly need a voice or a sound in the background to work on. Something like a white noise is what they would need to make them continue writing. Or in other suggestions some jazz would work your brain nerves to keep it working.

Clear the head noise

Let your mind be given time to wander freely and embrace serendipity. Let it get distracted. Forget about what you are writing. Go to a movie or watch a random show on TV. Give yourself a surprise. Reading or getting to know or experiencing sometimes outside your niche also helps the creative juices flow.

Listen to a writing podcast

The writer’s block is a lonely feeling. It gives you the feel that you are the only one experiencing and struggling with it. These writing podcast offer like minded writers some motivation , support and strategies to keep them going. Look up one, listen to it and get back to writing.

Writing is hard work and we all encounter writer’s block at some point of time. Don’t take it hard ok yourself. Give yourself some time to come out of it. Accepting that you have a writer’s block will make it even harder. Find a creative way to come out of it.

This article is written as a part of The Bloggers League conducted by Vidhya Thakkar Neelam Sharma and Siddhi Palande powered by Penguin India, Dreamland Publications and Acclidesign should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Hosts are not responsible for any infringement caused.”

Valentine’s Day gifts for book lovers – The Bloggers League 2022

February 14 valentines day is just right around the corner. The days I’m between quickly pass on in the blink of an eye. Now is the time you get worked up thinking what to gift.

The gift needs to be thoughtful in such a way that has to benefit the receiver as in be of use to them so must be related to something related to what they love doing.

If your valentine is a book lover, you needn’t worry as you have a lot of options to choose from to gift them. Being a book lover you needn’t just gift them books because there are a lot of other related stuff to books that are quite new, innovative and thoughtful

With just a month left, here are few gift ideas that can light up your Valentine’s face.

Bibliophile journal or planner

Who wouldn’t love a gift that helps them track their reading goals. With sections like checklists for actions like reading and related activities. Recommended read lists , or titles from genres this would be a good choice of gift to get them to track their reading journey.

Click here

Bibliophile cushion cover

Every reader has a reading nook or a cozy corner where they prefer reading. They’d definitely have a cushion to make them comfortable so why not gift them a bibliophile cushion cover that resonates their reading mood. This would be great gift to enhance their home decor too.

Click here

Abibliophobia mug

Does the word ring a bell or makes you panic. Is your valentine one? Or if you are hearing this word for the first time, it’s the fear of running out of books to read. A cool gift for your bibliophile valentine to sip that mig of hot chocolate while reading.

Click here

Bibliophile postcards

Though we don’t write letters these days. This gift can rekindle the love for writing letters. Crafted with foil to give that original touch to the bookish mentions, these postcards are carefully curated to look exactly like a book and a treasured keepsakes.

Click here

Metallic bookmarks

Bookmarks come in all sizes and shapes. This particular set is so very cute am sure a person who is not fond of books will also find these adorable. They are affordable too.

Click here for metallic bookmarks

Magnetic bookmarks

Book reading lamp

Many of us love reading at nights. If your valentine is also one such I’m sure they will definitely fall in love with the design of this lamp. In the shape of pages of book this will definitely be a valuable addition to their bookish treasure.

Click here

Scented candles

Who doesn’t love scented candles and the aromatherapy they offer. Especially when your reading the candle takes it to a different level amping up the ambience and giving the who place a new vibe. And choosing a fragrance that is loved by your valentine will give you bonus points.

Click here

I hope you would have now zeroed in on any one of the options above. Hope your valentine would appreciate your gesture of gifting them something relating to what they love.

This article is written as a part of The Bloggers League conducted by Vidhya Thakkar Neelam Sharma and Siddhi Palande powered by Penguin IndiaDreamland Publications and Acclidesign should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Hosts are not responsible for any infringement caused.”

Microgreens and environment


The last time you visited the restaurant and your salad has tiny plants on the top , made you wonder what this is?

After taking a small bite, did you feel that you tasted the vegetable or the grain? If yes, you had yourselves a serving of microgreens. Haven’t heard ?

What are microgreens?

Microgreens are vegetable greens which are bigger than sprouts but tiny than baby plants.

Their tiny size can noway be compared to the amazing nutritional benefits they have to offer. Would you believe that they offer more nine times higher nutrients than mature vegetable greens? That’s indeed true. So the next time your given a choice for microgreens or vegetable greens make sure you choose microgreens. But if you can have them both together that’s even better. Microgreens are great addition to any diet.

They are about 1-3 inches tall, but rich in nutrients, aromatic and available in variety of colours and textures.

You needn’t confuse them with sprouts. Sprouts do not have leaves whereas microgreens do. 2-7 days is the grow cycle for sprouts whereas it’s 7-21 days post germination the microgreens are harvested. This is after their first leaves appear.

Microgreens are rich in potassium,zinc, iron , magnesium and copper. They’re also a great source of antioxidants.

They could also help in reducing risk to a number of diseases if included in diets.

  • Heart diseases – Microgreens contain polyphenols a type of antioxidant that helps reduce risk of heart disease. Studies also prove that they help in lowering LDL or bad cholesterol.
  • Diabetes – Microgreens help in reducing stress which help in preventing sugar from entering cells . This is in particular study pertaining to fenugreek microgreens.
  • Types of cancer – microgreens which contains certain type of polyphenols also help in reducing cancer risks.
  • Alzheimer’s disease – Foods rich in antioxidants which are forms of polyphenols helps in reducing risk to Alzheimer’s disease.

Incorporating into diets

Microgreens can be incorporated into diets by a number of ways. Most common would be to include them with salads to give the crunch and texture. They could also be added to sandwiches, pizza toppings and soups.

They could also be included to juices and smoothies. Wheatgrass is one such example.

Microgreens and sustainability

Crops grown to maturity on large farms use pesticides and chemicals because they need to stay fresh to be transported to long distances. Compared to these crop grown to maturity, microgreens are more sustainable. That degree of sustainability would increase if you use organic seeds to grow them.

Microgreens are not an expensive way of lifestyle or something that needs to be consumed at high end restaurants. People often resort that crops that feed us like rice and corn need to be cultivated rather than microgreens that only is for high end lifestyle. The answer is a simple no. My response for that would be below.

Food production on our planet is happening in abundance. But the problem we face is it’s not at the right place. We seem to lose more of it while harvesting, transporting and processing.

One such industry that brings in a lot of waste would be the food industry as per what I had mentioned above. We do not need more staples we need to make food available from what exists.

They’re space saving compared to their conventionally grown peers which are raised to maturity. Microgreens can be grown indoors or in controlled environments where in the mature crops cannot be grown.

They enable you to increase the amount of space that you put into food production.

Most often when you pick up a salad outside all the ingredients like the vegetables,greens are sourced from long distances. They’re bulkier, heavier and could also lose nutrients on their way to the destination. However, microgreens on the other hand can be just transported as seeds to a local farm and cultivated. They can be consumed fresh immediately after harvest compared to matured grown crops that are transported from long distances. In this way, microgreens help in sustainability.

Mature grown crops are sometimes grown with pesticides, chemicals and there are also those which are grown from GMO . These types grow to give yeh perfect yield but only with the use of specific chemicals or fertilisers that were produced by the companies which created the genetically modified seeds in the first place. Imagine the amount of harm they do to the soil.

You don’t use more of peat containing compost that is non-renewable while cultivating microgreens. They can also be grown hydroponically. So, microgreens don’t harm the soil.

Usage of water is very minimal when it comes to microgreens. On fields or farms you end up watering larger areas where water is lost due to evaporation. Water used to nutrient ratio for the microgreens is very much high.

So if you’re wondering to grow your own produce I’d suggest you start with microgreens.

Why growing microgreens at home is easy ?

They don’t require much of equipment or dependent on time. They can be grown indoors or outdoors. This makes it very easy and convenient.

What do you need to grow microgreens?

  • High-quality seeds.
  • Growing medium. This could be a container with soil or growing mats specifically designed for growing microgreens.
  • Good lighting that could be sunlight or 12-16 hours of UV light.

How to grow?

  • Fill your container with soil and lightly water it.
  • Evenly sprinkle seeds on top.
  • Mist the seeds not generously watering them. Cover with lid.
  • Keep a check on them daily and mist the seeds. The seeds need to be moist.
  • After they germinate in a couple of days, remove the lids and expose to light.

Given that they’re easy to grow at home, stating convenience and the ease, they’re an especially cost-effective way to boost nutrient intake without having to purchase large quantities of vegetables.

I’d started including microgreens into my diet thanks to Indian Organiko from Chennai. I enjoyed varieties of microgreens that were freshly harvested and made me indulge in nutrient rich food.

‘This post is part of #CauseAChatter with Blogchatter’.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘ blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla
And sponsored by Bugshield clothing – Enjoy outdoors more.

Irresistibly lipsmacking recipes for toddlers #myfriendalexa

Toddlers are little humans who are just getting to know the world around them. Food, people, surroundings are what they start exploring with.

Looking around people analysing their behaviour from what they talk , do and eat always fascinates them. They try imitating and feel happy doing it.

Have you eve noticed the toddler demanding to eat like an adult. Yes they feel kind of accomplished or superior if their demand is fulfilled .

Quite often us adults are in a way responsible for the way they eat and also reject foods. Since I already told you they love to imitate this is not only in normal behaviour but also seen when choosing what to eat.

Junk foods , ready to eat, fried foods, food containing maida gain more popularity through media and their peers. Kids also demand getting these at home.

I will not say that we should right away reject or deny. See of you are able to give in to them, but as a healthy option that you are able to offer.

Here are two recipes that never go wrong and I tell you that your toddlers would want you making this on demand frequently.


Upma cheese balls

Upma is most often a less looked upon option for tiffen especially by the spouses and the kids. With this recipe below I’m sure that they will trouble you to make upma here on.


  • Upma – 1/2 cup (100gm)
  • Besan / chickpea flour- needed to coat the balls. Say a 100gm
  • Cheese cubes -2
  • Salt- as needed
  • Oil for frying

You could alternatively do an air fry as well.


  1. Make upma into balls but adding little ghee so that it’s easier to mould them as balls. I generally use semolina upma. You could also alternatively try with poha/vermicelli upma.
  2. Cut cheese cubes into bite sized pieces and place inside the upma balls.
  3. Make a batter of besan,salt and water . You could add pepper if you need spice. I’ve not because the upma already has enough spice. Make sure the batter is of dripping consistency.
  4. Heat oil in a wok. Add the besan coated balls and fry until golden brown.
  5. They could be had with tomato ketchup, mayonnaise or even hung curd.

You could also air fry them, as I had mentioned above. In that case you could coat them with bread crumbs post the besan batter coating. Leave for a while and then fry.


Bun pizza on tawa

Kids often get tempted seeing the variety of pizzas shown on TV. More or less during dine in I’ve seen more of wastage when parents order pizza as per the kids choice. You could try the below method at home to make bun sized pizza. It’s satisfactory to the kid and also easy on your pockets. Most importantly it’s home cooked so you needn’t worry about hygiene.


  • Bun – 2
  • Cheese slices -2
  • Cheese cube -2
  • Mix veggies – onion tomato capsicum and baby corn
  • Pizza spice – 2 tbsp
  • Tomayo ketchup -2 tbsp
  • Oil as per need
  • Butter for toasting
  • Salt and pepper- as per taste


  1. Add oil in a pan, saute all the veggies together . Season with salt and pepper. They only need to be half cooked.
  2. Add butter to the same pan and toast the outer brown side of the bun.
  3. Once toasted, apply tomato ketchup to the inner side.
  4. Place the cheese slice on top of the ketchup layer.
  5. Now arrange the veggies on top.
  6. Sprinkle pizza spice or individually sprinkle chilli flakes and oregano.
  7. Close with lid and cook until cheese melts.
  8. I bet you will never look to place an order for pizza.
  9. You could also play with toppings as you like it.

Do try these recipes and let me know in comments. This is my first recipe post. I’d be happy to take feedback.

I’m taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

#BlogchatterA2Z E – What to and what not to teach your toddler

Happy Monday folks .. Today we look at the list of traits we teach in the fifth alphabet E and what not to teach.

What to teach?

Earnest – Being an Ernest person would mean your sincere about what you choose to do. The actions that come from them are sincere and would definitely mean that they mean serious business. This cannot be confused with honesty wherein that means being truthful.

Easy going – Bring up your toddler as someone who is relaxed and doesn’t get stressed easily. They should be taught to control temper , be calm and take things in a flow. It’s a desirable quality and a person with such a trait is always happy with what they have.

Ebullient – A person is termed this way when he / she bubbles with energy or enthusiasm. Such a person is so very cheerful that they’re always welcome as company.

Empathetic – Bring them up as someone whose is empathetic and can understand the feelings of other human beings. Empathy is not something that is inborn it has to be taught. This is a very crucial trait to decide if you’re a good person.

Extrovert – A social outgoing person or somebody who is full of energy when surrounded by people is termed an extrovert. Extroverts can adapt easily in new environments since they have an upper hand when it comes to socializing.

What not to teach

Egocentric – Could also be termed as self centered. Such a personality has no regard to others feelings and is only concerned about self. Such a person always has a belief that they would be the center of attention. It normally comes out as acts of selfishness, lack of sympathy towards others.

Emotionalist – a person who gives most importance to feelings and emotions rather than reasoning. Such a person would never agree to logical thinking upon arriving to solutions but would rather think more about the emotional consequences.

Envious – Would mean a discontent in not having what others have or they could do. It causes unhappiness and makes you feel inferior.

Exaggerator – A person who tends to blow incidents out of proportions. They usually have the tendency of describing events more than what actually had occurred.

Exhibitionist – A personality who tends toward steal attention by behaving in a certain way even it may seem silly. The person with this trait normally is know to boast of their abilities.

Let’s meet again tomorrow for the F words .

#BlogchatterA2Z A – what to and what not to

Qualities in A
Qualities in A

The letter A has a lot of qualities that describe a person say affectionate , adaptable, attentive, agreeable and so on. A also has anger , annoying and arrogance which we should also teach them how.it would sound and how people with those qualities are often not preferred.

What to teach

Affectionate – Affection is often termed as physical expression of feeling. Most oftenly this particular quality is most evident and is clearly seen when showering love to infants. This affection often is directly proportional to the development we see in infants. More of affection sure is to help them grow in a loving environment. Also helps in their well being. When being shown affection, they also learn that it is good too be affectionate towards fellow beings.

Adaptable – Being adaptable is the adjusting nature of the individual. Bringing up the toddler in a way that they are capable of adjusting be it the place or the facilities available is a great trait. Kids these days should have this trait that makes it easier for them to survive when they have to experience change in what they are usually exposed to.

Attentive – Being attentive makes shrewd and aware of what is happening. Attention to details is even more better. This would make them be alert in all situations.

Agreeable – Being agreeable means the ability to be pleasing. It can also be taken that the child is pleasant to accepting changes or decisions.

What not to teach

Anger – one such quality where a person looses temper and erupts. This has to be corrected during initial stages for the child. The child when doesn’t agree to certain things needs to be explained patiently rather than having to say that they are angry.

Annoying- Annoying behaviour is termed as certain verbal or physical expression that isn’t liked or doesn’t seem to be pleasant. A child cannot be allowed to do something verbally or physically that causes displeasure to others.

Arrogance – Being arrogant is being firm in what they stand though they’re aware that it isn’t fair. The child should be able decide or deduce what is right and what is wrong at least at their level of maturity and agree to it rather than standing to support something that is not right.

The above said could be taught at various stages and not at one shot. It takes time.

#childrensday Things I learnt from my child

Quite often we take kids just as they are. They are often considered as cute cuddly play things and a little human.

We fail to notice them as little humans with heart and mind just as us elders. They do have things to teach us. Yes you heard me right. Things that might help us see the world in a different perspective, a different notion of what we used to perceive is been taught to us through them.

A lot of things which I grew up watching now seem different and a whole new window through what she sees the exact same things as I did. Though it might be the same things to me and my parents, the way it’s been described and being approached by my daughter makes things even more merrier.

A small simple thing like the sun rising or the cock waking us up with a cock a doodle doo might seem like a usual phenomenon to me. But waking up to these things with so much excitement to peep from the windows and look at the hens and chicks and ask why do they make noises that early and who makes them sleep early raises the question in our minds too. Many a times she makes me think deeply on why I didn’t come up with them . Or maybe I was destined to be asked these by my daughter.

Thoughts like why should I not eat with my left hand. The only thought that’s being said is that you eat with your hands why not the left is a question we found it slightly difficult to answer. I strongly believe in not making her change but to accept her as she is.

Making them learn colouring just the way we see things is something like tying up their imaginative horses. Colouring them differently gives their imagination a new perspective. Not only that also a fresh feel to us who are used to seeing things in the same routine way.

How the sun sets Eve and the moon rising up to light up the night sky, was brought another new thing that the sun went home to rest and moon has come to relieve it. Certain things needs to be done only when the sun is out brought up such awe in me.

I really enjoy this beautiful journey of me learning things all the way in a new manner and just to take a break from our routine lives and start thinking their way.

Makes me realize life was much more fun when we were kids.

The children’s Day blog train is hosted by http://www.prernawahi.com and http://www.vartikasdiary.com.

Review of Dear people, with love and care your doctors #myfriendalexa


From time immemorial, medicine has remained one of the most respected professions. Trust formed the unshakeable foundation of the doctor-patient relationship and, for long, doctors were treated next to God.
In recent times, though, this sacred relationship is suffering from an erosion of faith. We often hear discouraging stories of doctors being abused and hospitals vandalised. The narrative is gradually turning negative-a dismal reality for both doctors and patients. We tend to forget that there are many great things happening in the medical world. Today, we are living much longer, we have managed to eradicate many diseases, we have vaccines that prevent our children from dying, life-saving surgeries are being performed while the baby is still in the womb, and we can give the gift of life to someone by transplanting vital organs. Medical miracles are happening every day in hospitals worldwide.

This book is a collection of heartfelt stories by doctors and patients from across the globe. These are stories of triumph, empathy, positivity, loss and, sometimes, failure. It goes one step ahead and captures the experience of people who surround a doctor-the mother of a doctor, a surgeon’s husband and an acid attack survivor-stories that underline that a doctor too is a human being after all. Human resilience can often break barriers, and these stories serve as inspiration to both patients and doctors alike.

Riveting and absolutely unputdownable, Dear Peoplegives an inside view of the world of medicine and hopes to inspire millions to retain faith in this beautiful relationship.


📝They say we should never hide things from the doctor and lawyer. A gentle caring relationship is the one between a doctor and a patient. It is only when we open up, the doctor gets the know the complete issue and can help us heal better.
📝A book that gives you a complete picture of what is the day to day life of doctors and view of the scenario from a patient’s point of view. The book will definitely change the way we look at the medical profession.
📝The number of experiences compiled into a single book gives you a clear picture of how each case is handled by the doctors. Some give you the glimpse of struggle, some about new discovery and some about hope.
📝A number of medical terms could be learned from reading through each chapter. The lovely drawings that also give you a glimpse from the patient view.
📝A number of quotes at the beginning of each chapter makes it even interesting. Not only that in order to increase the knowledge of the reader we even have a section that gives you a did you know?
📝A compilation of 34 distinct stories from doctors of different fields of medicine, this is sure to change your perspective of the doctors.
📝The narration and language are lucid and simple making it easy to comprehend. A good book that gives you a whole new perspective of doctors and some experiences that sure would leave you emotional.


Dr Debraj Shome is a surgeon, specialising in facial plastic surgery and facial cosmetic surgery. He is the co-founder and director at The Esthetic Clinics, which has multiple centres across India. Known for his breakthrough innovations in facial plastic surgery, Dr Shome has received many awards. He has more than 55 research papers written in top peer-reviewed international publications along with a US patent to his credit for inventing the QR 678 hair growth formulation. He was the first recipient from Asia and the youngest globally to be awarded the prestigious Davies Foundation Grant Award by the Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow, in 2010. Besides clinical work, Dr Shome is the Director of the Debabrata Auro Foundation.

Dr Aparna Govil Bhasker is a bariatric and laparoscopic general surgeon and practises in the city of Mumbai. She is associated with Global, Currae, Namaha, Suchak and Apollo group of hospitals. She has multiple publications and numerous book chapters to her credit. She is the managing committee member of several surgical societies and has a keen interest in clinical research. She is the co-founder of Debabrata Auro Foundation.

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