Review of Izzy’s magical football adventure

Target Age: Children 7+

Genre: Sports / Female Sports

Tour Dates: 12th – 16th October 2019

Publication Date: 16th September 2019

Formats available: Mobi, Epub or Paperbacks

Standalone story


Izzy is a seven-year-old girl who lives in Ireland and loves all sport, especially Gaelic Football.

She has three brothers, David, Patrick and Robert.

Izzy plays football with her brothers on a regular basis in their back garden and dreams of playing for her county in the All Ireland Ladies Football Final in Croke Park when she is older.

One day, Izzy puts on her great grandmother’s bracelet, which is made of old All Ireland medals that her great grandmother won a long time ago, and something unexpected and magical happens, which may make Izzy’s Croke Park dream a reality sooner than she expected…………….

This book is aimed at readers from age seven onwards starting to read independently. It is based around the themes of promoting strong girls, encouraging girls to play sport and girl’s ability to play sport at a high level, while also having a fun magical theme. It is 32 pages long, about 1,700 words and has lots of lovely illustrations.


A very short read picture book that sure is to be useful and be giving goals for all ages though it mentions the age as 7+.

Izzy a little girl who loves the ball and has dreams of being a good player. A book that helps you by giving the push to follow your dreams and live up your goal.

She puts on her great grandmother’s bracelet which has medals from all over Ireland that she had won. What Izzy didn’t know was that she would be transported to a magical world of future of what would her life be like if she followed her goals.

We all have dreams and aspirations but do we all live up to it or take efforts. This bok telling you the story of Izzy will definitely make you think on that point. A great book for little readers and for everyone with a dream.

About Emma Larkin

My name is Emma Larkin, and I am the founder of “Emma Larkin Books” and “Rebel in Kerry Press”. I have recently written and published my first book “Izzy’s Magical Football Adventure”, and I hope to write many more books about Izzy and her adventures in sport. As may be evident from the name of my publishing imprint, I am a “Rebel in Kerry”! This means that I am originally from County Cork in Ireland, which is known as the Rebel County, but I moved to Kerry (another county in Ireland which neighbours Cork) in 2006 and have been happily living in Kerry since then, with my husband and four children. My husband is a Kerry native and we live in North Kerry, near Listowel, where my husband is from, and is an area which is rich is literary history!

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