How to reduce body heat ?

The ability of the body to generate and release heat can be measured by body temperature. As such 98.4° is the normal temperature. But for adults it can go upto 99°.

The autonomous nervous system keep the body within , two to three degree to normal temperature. But when it rises above we are under heat stress.

There are a number of factors that contribute could be the food, the surroundings. Let’s take a look at the causes

Factors contributing to heat stress

Extreme weather

When you are exposed to extreme hot and humid weather, body heat rises. This could be prolonged exposure to sunlight or even physical exertion.

Tight clothing

When you wear tight fitted clothes, it traps moisture. Synthetic fibres when fitted tight make it difficult for skin to breathe.

Food consumption

Eating oily and fried foods which have more spice or foods rich in high protein contribute to heat stress.

Intense physical exertion

Active muscle and related blood circulation when working out can produce more heat.


Dehydration can prohibit the body’s ability to sweat which can lead to heat stress.

Medical conditions

Medical conditions like arthritis, leukaemia, hypothyroidism which makes body produce more thyroid could be some of the contributing factors.

Inflammatory illness

Having an inflammatory illness might spike up temperature indicating there is a problem within your body can cause fever.

How to reduce body heat

We know that the best way is to stay hydrated by drinking enough water to cool the body now. Let’s also take a look at the other ways to keep body cool.

Tender coconut water

Tender coconut water consumption is great to keep hydrated. The vitamins, minerals and electrolytes help in replenishing lost energy and help to rehydrate.

Peppermint tea

Due to high levels of menthol peppers tea helps to reduce body heat and provide cooling effect. Can be hd hot or cold. Consuming it hot will make body much hotter and sweat a lot and make body cool.

Cold foot soak

Dipping legs into cold water tub will help instantly reduce heat. Make sure the chillness iss tolerable. Also for an added cooling effect add few drops of peppermint oil.

Foods rich in water content

Watermelon,, strawberries and citrus fruits are rich in water content and help reduce body heat instantly. Cucumbers and cauliflowers can also be consumed with salads along with yoghurt dressing.

Appropriate dressing

Using loose fitted light colored clothing in breathable fabric help in less heat absorption. Always wear a hat and Sunscreen when you step out. Also don’t forget to take umbrella.

Aloe vera

This magic plant can help in cooling your body. Applying the gel helps to cool down and provide soothing effect. Consuming pure aloe vera gel with water or aloe vera juice also helps cool down.


This wonder drink is everyone’s favourite during Summers. The probiotics and vitamins helps in restoring energy in body.


Consuming overnight soaked Fenugreek seeds can hel lower body heat. You can also consume it in the form of Fenugreek tea.

These remedies can help you in lowering body heat. If the body still has heat stress even after these remedies consult a doctor. Do take it seriously as it can lead to heat stroke.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.’

36 Replies to “How to reduce body heat ?”

  1. I though fenugreek has a body heating properties. it is surprising to know that it has helped in body heat. all other tips sounds great and helped in reduce body heat indeed.


    1. Long time back I had body heat issue too. It used to break me out badly and also result in bloating. I controlled it with a diet change! This is a very informative post.


  2. Body heat is crazy, and especially it leads to another problem. The immediate way to reduce stomach heat is by having isabgol.


  3. I have the problem of high body heat. Normally in summers I follow the routine of drinking lots of water, coconut water and sabja seeds water. It helps me a little. I will try the cold water feet soaking as suggested in your article.


  4. This is the perfect post to help during this Delhi summer. Has given me a lot of ideas to help me cool down in this blistering heat. Thanks!


  5. These are great tips. coconut water is great for dehydration. But you should always get the fever checked out, particularly at my age.


  6. Excellent tips, Sindhu. My feet are always on fire due to damaged nerves and a cold water soak works wonders. It is also important to stay hydrated in these horrid summer months.


  7. You have listed doable tasks for reducing the heat wave effect. Keeping oneself hydrated is very important and with juices and coconut water, it is healthy option too. Watermelon is my favorite in this season for the same.


  8. Due to medical conditions, I have body heat and it affects me too. Your suggestions are really going to help me out.


  9. Yes, I suffer too with extreme body heat, sudden hot flushes and discomfort. Your post is surely going to help me in more ways. I would just drink water, maybe I can try other remedies too. Thanks


  10. what a helpful post Sindhu. I am surprised to know that methi helps in reducing heat… I thought it was the opposite and that is why when we were kids our Granny used to tie a tiny pouch of methi seeds around our throats when we had cough.


  11. I really suffer a lot from body heat and glad you shared all these home remedies to get rid of it. Thanks a lot, I will share with friends too.


  12. Glad you highlighted Aloe and Butter milk, these are my summer must along with nimbu pani, coconut water and every thing fresh and fruity. Great post to keep heat at bay especially in this scorching heat.


  13. I am the only one in my home who feels hot even in winters, this is the post I needed. I drink peppermint tea often and will give it a try to fenugreek water too now. Dipping feet in cold water definitely helps.


  14. This is awesome all these are really good to keep the boday heat in control, you can add Bel sharbat as well as Aam Panna to this list, they work pretty well.


  15. These are very useful tips. I always suffer from extreme body heat and concluding dehydration. I always try to deal with this situation by having tender coconut water and fruits like watermelon, citrus fruits etc. You’ve shared some really useful tips. Thanks for sharing.


  16. Very helpful post dear. Because of the gloomy weather outside ,sometimes it is very irritating for body . Keeping body hydrated us the key.


  17. I’ve had a serious episode of boils due to increased body heat as a side-effect of antibiotics. The tips you’ve suggested are quite effective. Buttermilk works very well.


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