5 mother tested tips to get your child to drink milk #63PercentMoreProtein

Source : pexel

A healthy mind and a healthy body are all that we need for our kids. A well-balanced diet ensures that the child gets all the necessary nutrients to attain proper growth as per their age.

Milk is one of the most important foods that kids need in their early ages but making them drink milk is a herculean task. Kids tend to resort to all sorts of tantrums rather than simply drinking milk.

We’ve seen in television commercials where the kid pours the milk from his glass into the cat’s bowl in the absence of his mother. All this denotes that kids have an aversion to drinking milk which is very essential for their age-appropriate growth.

Why is milk necessary for kids?


Calcium, the superhero nutrient found in milk, plays a pivotal role in bone formation. Bones grow rapidly in childhood and adolescence; calcium ensures that they become sturdy and resilient.

Vitamin D which is also present in milk ensures that calcium absorption is taking place. This dynamic duo is essential for healthy bones and teeth.


Amino acids are building blocks essential for growth, muscle repair, and overall health. Milk as a complete protein source has all essential amino acids.
Growing kids need protein to fuel their active lives, support tissue growth, and build a good immune system.


Vitamin B2 and B12 in milk contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. They help in energy production and keep the nervous system running.


Vitamin A in milk powers the immune system helping kids defend against infections and diseases.


Milk has a combination of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins offering energy throughout the day. These macronutrients help recharge their batteries after a good play session.

Why is protein important for kids?

Protein is very much essential for children’s growth and crucial for their development.


Protein serves as raw materials for building tissues like skin, hair, and bones.


Protein is a key component of antibodies which help in fighting against diseases. A good immune system relies on protein intake.
Muscles are made up of protein. No matter whether the child is running or standing, muscle is needed to move limbs.


Protein plays an important role in hormone production and regulation. These are the chemical messengers of the body.
A well-balanced diet with protein-rich sources ensures a child’s optimal growth and well-being.

Milk is one of the rich sources of protein that can contribute to your kid’s daily protein needs. But do not worry if your child resists drinking milk. Here are some ways that can help them drink milk.



Kids love bright and playful things. Offer milk in fun, colorful mugs, and cups. Visual appearance can make a difference and they will be excited to drink milk.


You can add Complan which comes in 3 flavours to your child’s milk. Complan with 34 vital nutrients including 100% milk protein has 63% more protein than any other nutrition drink, supports 2x faster growth, and supports memory and concentration.
I am sure the different flavours will help you convince your child to look forward to their morning cup of milk!



Some kids love to drink milk when it’s warm. So gently warm it and offer it in their favorite cup. The warmth sure does some magic for kids.


Blend milk with fruits like bananas, apples, and berries to create smoothies. Kids love to drink these fruity concoctions.
Milk isn’t just a beverage but a nutritional powerhouse. Encourage kids to embrace their daily dosage of milk. Remember, healthy habits start early and milk is a delicious way to set the child’s path on a life-long journey of good health. Cheers to strong bones, bright smiles, and happy tummies.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger. This is a part of the public awareness initiative supported by Complan.

24 Replies to “5 mother tested tips to get your child to drink milk #63PercentMoreProtein”

  1. These tips for getting kids to drink milk are fantastic! Flavoring it with Complan or making it fun really helps. Thanks for sharing these mother-tested strategies. I’ll definitely try them with my little one!


  2. Milk is a complete food and essential for children for their growth and development. Ironically most kids have an aversion to milk, and it is quite a task to get them to drink it. As suggested by you, introducing a fun element, be it in the colour of the cup, or some variation of taste will help. Sandy N Vyjay


  3. These mother-tested tips for getting children to drink milk are fantastic! Your practical suggestions are sure to be helpful for parents facing this challenge. Thanks for sharing these useful insights!


  4. What a fantastic post, Sindhu! I loved your practical and creative tips for getting kids to drink milk. When my children were young, we used to make them fun milkshakes and smoothies – it was a win-win for both parents and kids!

    I also appreciate your suggestion to get colorful mugs and cups; it’s such a gentle way to ease them into drinking milk. Your personal anecdotes made the tips even more relatable and reassuring. Thank you for sharing these valuable insights!


  5. These are some really helpful tips. My kids like warm milk too, which is strange, because I love cold milk shakes. Protein is so important for these growing years. Glad we are raising the awareness.


  6. I guess it’s a real task for moms to get their children to have their warm cuppa daily. Also, you are right when you say milk has so many benefits. And adding a chocolate flavoured Complan makes it yummy and nutritious.


  7. What an amazing post, Sindhu! I really enjoyed your practical and inventive tips for encouraging kids to drink milk.

    I loved the idea of colorful mugs; it’s such a clever and gentle way to make milk more appealing to children. Your personal stories made the advice even more relatable and comforting. Thank you for sharing these wonderful insights!


  8. I have never been a milk drinker nor did my kids like it much. My grandsons love milk and they can drink at any time. They love the smoothies I make for them with the bananas, black berries like you suggested.


  9. These are such good and simple ideas to make children drink milk. Both my kids still have their favourite mugs and don’t change it. Health drinks are a blessing for moms of fussy eaters.


  10. Yes, milk has been a source of strength from ages and when we ask kids to have a glass of milk what we get a unwelcoming faces. So with added flavours as Complan kids get to drink wholesome and add nutrition to it.


  11. Complan seems like a nutritious addition. Will definitely try these creative strategies to ensure my child gets their daily dose of milk. Thanks for sharing


  12. I suppose getting kids to drink their warm cup of milk is a task. Milk offers a plethora of health advantages. Incorporating a chocolate-flavored Complan enhances its taste and nutritional value. my son likes it too.


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