#breakthebias International Women’s Day 2022

Celebrating the spirit of womanhood shouldn’t be limited to just one day, do you all agree? But March 8 , is international women’s day, the day that marks a call to action for accelerating women equality.

The theme for this year being #breakthebias, something that we have all wanted to experience. A world that is free of stereotypes and discrimination.

All that we long for is a world that celebrates equality and being inclusive. Eagerly look forward to a world that celebrates the differences and making it valued. When is that day going to dawn upon us?

All day and everyday we are all responsible for our actions anda thinking. The workspace, communities, schools, colleges can with #breakthebias provided we take the right actions.

Seeing the world biased makes it difficult for women to move forward. All the more even if the bias is being done deliberately or unconscious.

Realising that there is bias isn’t enough, it needs the be called out, it needs action to stop it from being done going forward.

This year the UN Women and the world come together for the theme’ Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow’ and call for climate action for women by women.

We now see a vital link between gender, social equity and climate change which puts forth the point clearly that gender equality not happening will not guarantee a sustainable future that will remain out of reach.

Women depend more on the natural resources but have less access to it. The climate change puts forward it’s great impact on women as it amplifies the gender inequality and puts their lives at risk.

This is because they bear a disproportionate responsibility for securing food, water and fuel.

As women bear the burden, they play a vital role in bringing about a change by leading and driving changes in adapting, mitigating and offering climate solutions.

So if this change is to be brought out, the half of the population of the world has to be included , and with that not happening it is unlikely that there will be a sustainable planet and a gender equal world tomorrow.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva andNoor Anand Chawla in collaboration with RRE Studios.’–

23 Replies to “#breakthebias International Women’s Day 2022”

  1. A gender equal tomorrow… sounds like a distant dream😔 but I hope it will be realized some day. I like the part ‘for women by women.’ It is important that women support, motivate and encourage each other.


  2. Truly something we all are waiting for, it takes two to clap. #breakthebias definitely need more men’s support but would be incomplete without the changing mentality of women as well. I know so many educated women, who are biased themselves. Hoping for a better tomorrow.


  3. #Breakthebias is something we need to work on everyday and every moment. It’s a struggle but bringing the change in the attitude can bring the change in making this society gender bias free.


  4. You are absolutely right. It will take a long time before we break the bias. It is ingrained right from childhood.


  5. This is a theme that’s going to be relevant even 10 years from now. Breaking the bias isn’t easy but I’m glad that we’re initiating conversations and making people understand it.


  6. Very well written. Even though we seem to be moving forward, breaking the bias will come from centuries of breaking down of internalised biased opinions that become a part of our growing years. Slowly we will reach the summit but it is still a long road ahead.


  7. It is great that we are now having discussions and conversations to point out the more tangible/visible area that are impacted because of gender inequality. Great that you chose to highlight it via this gist of the issue.


  8. This post truly resonated with me because you’re right- we need to break biases and not limit celebrating our womanhood to one day


  9. Your post has a very unique theme and I am so happy someone wrote about it. Let’s spread #breakthebias as much as possible maybe the thought of gender equality and sustainable planet will be within reach not for us but for our future generations.


  10. Interesting point of view. I agree that a world without gender bias is an ideal world. However, to break the bias many of us still depend on the men to change. Why not look at what we can do to change the society? Yes it needs courage….but if change is needed then courageous steps need to be taken.


  11. Exactly Sindhu. Not many are aware that gender inequality impacts climate change. To be aware of the bias is one thing. But we need to take steps to break the bias. And it does begin at home.


  12. Gender equality is the most needed and most distant change that we can think of. The society gotto work on that.


  13. May be a couple of decades more? or may be 3decades? It will take time to change the mindset of a nation, so right now focusing on the young generation, teaching gender equality to our kids, portraying same in front of them, well that’s my contribution towards the upcoming generation and specially girls, they will have at least some friends with whom they can be safe and feel included, feel free.


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