X’s which help in skincare

X’s which help in skincare

Today we talk about X’s which help in skincare. I chose to write about the two main processes which help in keeping skin clear and healthy. Of course , yes I’d also include ingredients at home that can be used in these processes.


Skin detox

In the fast paced world we expose skin to dirt, pollution, makeup and chemical exposure. This in a way is a reason for clogged pores. We usually mention the term “DETOX” only for the body, but it’s time that the skin also needs to be included. Because the skin is your largest organ and needs to have a detox as well.

The skin helps protect against infection, excess water loss, production of vitamin D and helping in regulating the temperature of the body.

Swelling, itching, breakouts and redness are results of skin erupting because of not doing a detox. But on the other hand if detox is being done religiously and on a regular basis, you could reverse the adverse effects and in fact help in boosting skin health.


STRESS: Stress often brings out its effects in the form of acne and inflammation.

SUGAR: If in take of sugar is more, it could result in breakouts and pimples.

LIFESTYLE: improper sleep cycle, inadequate hydration , drinking and smoking also have adverse effects on skin.


  • Dry and dull skin.
  • Patches and blemishes
  • Wrinkles and sagging
  • Oily skin
  • Sensitive and dry skin


WORKOUT: Exercising indirectly contributes to skin detox. When you exercise you sweat it out and that helps in flushing out toxins.

FACIAL OR SPA: Taking up a facial at home or at a parlour or going for a spa actually helps in skin detox.

Hydration from inside involves drinking adequate water.
Hydration from outside is applying moisturizer or a serum that suits your skin type. Make sure to do it twice.
Also when you use a serum it not only helps in hydrating the skin but in a way it also helps in better absorption of other skincare products.

Cleansing is a great way to remove off dirt and make up form skin. Ensure to do a double cleansing and make it part of your daily skincare routine.

Toners help in eliminate any residue oil from the cleanser, It prepares the skin for the products that follow. It helps in maintaining the pH of the skin. Also helps to shrink the pores.

Exfoliation is done to remove the dead skin cells and dirt. This is one of the secrets to glowing skin.

Give up on alcohol and smoking. Smoking causes the fastening of the ageing process.
Alcohol promotes dehydration . So both are a no-no if you want clear skin.


Sugar consumption in excess is one of the major reasons for breakouts and acne. Cutting down on sugar helps in a great way to maintain good skin. Fruits and dark chocolates would be great alternates for your sugar craving.


Going in for a hot steam helps to open pores and release the dirt and other residue.

BALANCED DIET: Eat a well balanced diet that include more of fruits and vegetables. Limit intake of carbohydrates, sugar loaded food and fried food.


Skin needs its repair time just like the body. Dark circles would first pop out indicating that the skin doesn’t have enough repair time and needs a detox badly.


You could also go in for detox baths like adding epsom salt, ACV, sea salt or coffee grounds to warm bath water and enjoy a relaxed bath.

SWITCH FROM CAFFEINE : Make a switch to eliminate caffeine and to include green tea. You will start noticing wonders.


VITAMIN C: Squeeze in some lemon juice in two liters of water. Add in some pineapple, kiwi amnd let it infuse. Drink it the whole of the day.

ACV water: Mix two tablespoons of water to 2 liters of water. Not more than two tablespoons of ACV a day , keep that in mind.

TURMERIC WATER: Add 3-5 fresh turmeric slices in two cups of water and boil. Add some honey before drinking if needed.


Skin exfoliation

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the external skin. It helps in brightening the skin by removing the dirt, boosting blood circulation and improving the appearance of the skin.

Types of exfoliation

MECHANICAL: Mechanical exfoliation involves removing the dead skin cells using a scrub, brush or a sponge.

CHEMICAL : This involves using acids like AHAs and BHAs.

More details on exfoliation here.

DIY Scrubs:

  • Blend a cup of strawberries, two drops of ACV, half a cup of yogurt and half a cup of almond powder. Apply on to face and wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Mix in half a teaspoon of lemon juice and water. Add one tablespoon of salt. Apply on to face and gently scrub and wash off.
  • Blend one kiwi, two tablespoons of brown sugar and add in a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply on to face and wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Mix three tablespoons of coffee grounds to a cup of yogurt. Add in some honey and apply on to face. Gently scrub and wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Mix in two teaspoons of tomato pulp, yogurt and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply on to face and wash off after 15 minutes.

This post is written as part of Blogchatter’s A2Z challenge.

14 Replies to “X’s which help in skincare”

  1. Life style changes matter too. This is so important. Cutting down on sugar, walking sleeping, hydration and of course all the important points you mentioned that will help us in taking care of our skin. Lovely post
    Deepika Sharma


  2. Detox is the latest trending buzzword. Getting the body rid of toxins is certainly helps in a healthy body and mind. I do follow, balanced diet, steam, work out for detox lately. Coffee grounds exfoliation I use once every month, it’s really good.


  3. Detoxification, inside and outside, is undoubtedly the keyword. Great suggestions in terms of lifestyle changes, sleeping patterns, hydration, etc. Detox drinks are really helpful. And as always, I loved your DIYs.


  4. These are great ideas for skin detoxification. I feel along with external things, it is equally important to heal and detox our body from inside to see visible results on skin.


  5. This post came at such the right time when the challenge is about to end, and my skin badly requires special care these days. I am surely going to grab some of the tips from detox dry skin.


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