Review of strong roots have no fear


This book provides you with a simple framework within which you can raise your little ones to grow into empowered thought leaders in our constantly evolving multicultural world. If we raise our children with a culturally aware mindset, we need not fear the future. To that end the book focuses on building mindset with practical tips to impart Handling Big Emotions, Raising Readers, Self-Moderation, Dealing with Bullying, Navigating Friendships, Balancing Technology, Building a Global Outlook through Multilingualism, Racial Equality and much more.What you find in this book -The confidence to be intuitive as a parent. Timeless strategies for a confident mindset An honest look into mindful living.A global outlook for your multicultural family.How to be culturally sensitive and rooted within self.


How often we search for parenting books wherein we look for real life examples? How often do we know that the author puts in her own experiences where she faced failures? Most often when I keep browsing for books on parenting, I find only those which point out a scientific reason behind the reason of behavior of the child. I could not find one where I had examples of what each parent would face.

So when there was an opportunity to review this book. I immediately grabbed it. I’ve heard of reviews about the book and wanted to read it myself. Aditi has covered the need for real life examples which were most needed by parents to understand what they were going through.

Quite a few lines from the book really made it worthy enough to be noted and followed.

Children are blank pieces of colored paper that we create timeless art on.

So they are already human beings with being different individuals. So the thought here is, you can teach them, but the decision they make at a later point of time can not only be based on what they are taught but also what they experience over the time.

Then she talks about the ongoing debate, stay at home mom vs the working mom.

I loved what she mentioned, chose whatever you want, but that should make you happy. The moment you are with the child; you are the parent. So no matter what we chose to be, it should make you happy being a parent.

Finding your tribe was one other concept I liked. We need to surround ourselves with people who make us feel good, who know what we are going through, who can be our well-wisher, who show us the right path. Most of all we should offer to be someone else’s tribe as well.

Parents need to set examples of owning up to mistakes.

When they witness us accepting emotions and work towards improving response; They tend to imitate us. They might tease us but would also make them think.

Kids making sound decisions when not around parents is what matters. And that comes from us being with them even when we are not.

The above line what does it say? Doesn’t it give you much joy when you hear kids being praised for being brought up well. Does that feel like a good pat on the back saying we deserve it? It does make you feel happy when your kids stand out, knowing what is being done is wrong and they shouldn’t join hands. Standing out in such a case is not abnormal.

The book provides you with a number of strategies to make parenting mindful and enjoyable.

I would definitely recommend the book to my fellow mommy friends. I am more clearer on what I have been doing and planning on what I will be doing.


Cover: 4.5/5

Title: 4.5/5

Writing and presentation: 4.5/5

Overall: 4.5/5


Aditi Wardhan Singh is an authoritative voice on cultural sensitivity and empowerment. Featured on CBS and NBC, she is the founder of the RWC magazine encouraging other voices like hers to come forth to create unique resources for parents everywhere so children can be global thought leaders. In her spare time, she enjoys choreographing recitals, volunteering and having dance parties with her two charming kids. She also writes for various well-known publications like Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Richmond Family Magazine, and more. Visit her site

33 Replies to “Review of strong roots have no fear”

  1. Parenting is a tough job in this world I feel. This seems like a best buddy to make the parenting journey super easy. I am going to download it right away. Thanks for sharing the honest review


  2. Going by your Review of this book, seems like its gonna be very helpful for all Parents.Gonna download soon.Thanks

    (Snehalata Jain)


  3. This sounds like a personalized account of a parent giving parenting advise. I would love to read it as you have given such a fab review.


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